Here you can find informations and original data of all football manager games available on market, which are not online multiplayer games.
Of course, we would also like to point out the development of our own OD Base Manager.
Name | Letzte Version | Kostenpflichtig |
Anstoss | 2007 | ja |
Bygfoot | 2012 | nein (kostenlos) |
EA Fussballmanager | 2014 (mit FM-Zocker-File 2021) | ja |
Football Club Simulator – FCS | 2021 | ja |
Football, Tactics & Glory | 2021 | ja |
Fussballmanager Fun | 2004 | ja |
Global Soccer Manager | 2019 | ja |
Kicker Manager 2004 | 2004 | ja |
KoFuMa | 2013 | nein (kostenlos) |
Kurt – Der Fussballmanager '99 | 1999 | ja |
Latte! Fußballmanager pur | 2009 | nein (kostenlos) |
Sega Footballmanager | 2021 | ja |
Torchance (Club Manager) | 2021 (TC6) | ja |
Football Director | 2019 | ja |
New Star Manager | 2019 | ja |
Soccer Manager | 2021 | nein (p2w) |
We Are Football | 2021 | ja |
Player's Eleven | 2021 | ja |